Ok, so this whole starting a company thing? It's tough when you are attempting to do it properly, professionally, and successfully! The last week or so that I have been working on my AWW business plan has been a real rollercoaster for me. I have enjoyed the peaks and endured the valleys, all the while trying to stay both present and positive. I think this is the key to successful business planning:
Staying in the present moment and not getting overwhelmed by all there is to do along the uphill climb that is entrepreneurship; and staying positive, believing in myself and continuing to deepen my professional self-confidence.
Let's embrace the inherent catharsis of this post and explore these two key attitudes a bit further, shall we?
Staying present. To me, this means if I worry too much about the future, about booking my next client, about using my MBA degree for which I paid a boatload of money, about failure (which can be defined in many very defeating ways)... then I will never get to where I want to be. But if I choose to stay present and focus on the tasks at hand, I know I'll tackle 'em and continue to grow my business.
Staying positive. Fairly self-evident yet undeniably difficult. There are oodles of ridiculously talented planners out there... and yet I must continue to believe that I deserve to be among them. I may not have years of experience or dozens of brides under my belt, but I have the skill set and genuine passion I need to get started along this path. In my heart I know that I am good at this - so why can it be such a challenge to convince my head? There will always be moments of self-doubt. The important thing is to nip these in the hiney before they get the better of you - I mean, me. Right.
I have made some great headway over the past week. While the business planning process is more of a marathon than a sprint, I am well on my way to creating the AnyWay Weddings I envision.
Fellow planners and entrepreneurs! I'd love to hear from you. How have you conquered your fears to build your business? What advice do you have for me and other budding business owners?
Stay present, stay positive.
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